I think this is a first for me: three gigs in a row with varied set lists.
A nice, easy one to start with – with SouthWest, playing our second public gig of the season in Cadouin. Here’s a shot from after we finished…

The following evening, a piano & cello (etc.) gig with Phyllipa. For added difficulty, we hadn’t played together since before Covid.
On arrival, I learn the guests include professional opera singers and other musicians. Yikes.

And the day after that, a wedding that was so long in the waiting that the couple had a baby. Two of the loveliest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to play for – and one of the most touching ceremonies I’ve seen.
An emergency doctor and pharmacist – heroes both!

The band did play in the evening, too. But I’ve got to leave some images for other social media channels. (Instagram, if you’re curious.)