On Wednesday, my web host emailed me to say my website had been attacked and was in quarantine. On Thursday, I made the decision to delete it and start again. Slightly annoying that I didn’t have a backup, but this also means I can start again with a clean screen.
It’s actually a good thing, because I’ve been meaning to add a blog – and a page with all my charts, with supporting videos, to help anyone who wants to learn to play the songs I’m playing. But the last couple of weeks have been very busy (as you’ll see) and every Sunday offers the fleetingest (I know that wasn’t a word before just now) chance of some nothing time.
Why a blog?
Because the summer of 2019 is going to be a busy one. I have gigs with two bands, two duos, and as a soloist. And that’s just at the moment. I also teach, and I’ll have a few things to say about that, too. So, if you’ve only just found me, do come back from time to time and see what’s going on. That’s all for now. I’ve got a website to build.