Busking is not something I’ve ever done before. (The piano is not the most portable instrument, although some street-friendly keyboards are now available.) The idea has appealed to me for a while, in that you’d know whether you are playing something people actually want to hear, or if you need […]
Pascal Destal
3 posts
It’s OK, I won’t write this in French… A couple of days after that last post, I went back to the regular Boby Lapointe gig over towards Les Eyzies. I did shoot some video here, which I’ll cut into an end-of-season video after our next gig—in Bergerac next week. Do […]
The last week has seen two Boby Lapointe events. You will recognise the setting here from before—it’s a holiday village over towards Les Eyzies (a jawdroppingly amazing place and the crucible of modern humanity). The other event was in the street opposite a restaurant in my local town. These evenings […]